St Andrew's Dean Court

Our story in brief
1950s Pinnocks Way Council estate built.
1956 Local churches start services in the Social Club. About 100 children attend the Sunday school.
1958 Fund-raising starts for a church building in Dean Court.
1961 Wooden panels erected on concrete base. Local residents give voluntary help to finish it. New church dedicated on Saturday 9 December by
Bishop of Reading (E.H. Knell). First service held on Sunday 10 December 1961.
1980s Wooden youth hut put up. Games court built behind the church.
2005 Hut burned down.
2007 New St Andrew’s Centre (STAC) opens to replace youth hut.
2012 Games court totally refurbished with community grants and reopens reopens for all to use.
2014 Cracked roof beams in church repaired. Building declared ‘past its use-by date’.
2018 Planning permission granted for a new church.
2021 Modified plans submitted and planning permission received: rebuilding starts in November. Last service in old building on 7 November at
10am, followed by tea/coffee and cake for all. Services transfer to Dean Court Community Centre - where they started in 1956 (though the
Centre is a new one).
2022 Rebuilding continues by APH Construction Ltd. Official re-opening: 10 September 2022 by the Bishop of Dorchester (Gavin Collins).
Celebration Service on 11September; preacher Sophie Jelley, Bishop of Doncaster who used to live in the area.

How we were: St Andrew's and its choir in 1961. Centre: Rev. Ken Cooper (Vicar), Gladys Holifield, Michael Harris (Lay Reader) .
Original church building.